The Build Back Better (Act) Framework

Many educators have been aware for years how our education system is lacking in many areas. However, with the onset of the COVID virus, many disparities in our education system were highlighted and could no longer be ignored; specifically, the areas of Early Childhood Education and Childcare Services for many families.

There were families who could no longer keep their employment due to the closure of schools that once offered low or no-cost services. Families who found themselves needing care their youngest children were faced with the ridiculous high costs of childcare. For many families, childcare costs a significant amount of their annual income. Research shows that the average family spends 10% or more of their income on childcare. 

I was recently reading Apple News articles and came across an article titled Americas's Child-Care System is Broken. Can We Fix it?

It's an interesting perspective on Child Care and it also discusses the Build Back Better (Act) Framework.
What are your thoughts on this topic?


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