As a child, I remember reading and being introduced to various books. As an adult, I shared with my children, my love for reading. Dr. Seuss and Disney books were top choices for books that would sit on the shelves in my children's rooms. 

As my children grew older, I realized the importance of replacing some of those titles with titles my children could "relate" to; titles which housed on her pages, people who looked my me and my children. It's great to offer our children a variety of titles and authors to choose from, but we must be intentional about allowing our children to get lost in stories which they can relate to.

Neil Gaiman said, "The simplest way to make sure we raise literate children is to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity, and that means finding books that they enjoy, and giving them access to those books and letting them read them."

Think of it this way: Reading should be a PAL (Pleasurable, Accessible, Letting) for your children!

What are your favorite titles to share with your children? your students? Please share.


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