Change is A Coming!!!
There comes a time when life is moving so fast that you rarely have time to sit still and do things you like. I'm finding myself in that position again. At one point I was a stay at home mom and I enjoyed it very much. I had time to get things done around the house, spend time with the girls, be there for field trips, help with homework, cook dinner every night, stayed on top of my chores... etc, etc.
While I love my job to death, there are some parts I don't "like" so to speak. The traveling to different cities on a daily basis begins to take its toll. I'm gone before the Girlz wake up some mornings, and I'm late coming home. I know that working outside the home is what us 20th century women do, but I always feel guilty at some point. It's just my psrsonality. While working and helping provide for a family is something that can't change, how WE spend our time after school and work can.
I've always supported my children and what they want to do, but within limits. I love that they love sports, but I also have to ensure that there is a balance and I'm raising well-rounded individuals who are aware of choices and who are not forgetting the simple things in life.
Therefore, we have discussed being involved in activities, but not activities which take up so much time. As a parent, I am looking into organizations which meet my criteria as well. Keeping my Haley happy has, and always will be, my top priority when it comes to her, but at the end of the day, all she knows is that she wants to have fun with other little girls. As she gets older, it's my responsibility to teach her that life isn't always about fun; sometimes we have to make decisions based on our needs and not wants.
Sometimes we stay involved with the same things because it's just what's been done over the years. Sort of like traditions. Some traditions are meant to be broken as we change and evolve. These are life lessons I have to instill in my children now.
Change is definitely ahead as I continue to raise these little ones. Jaedyn experienced a major change last season and she's still blossoming. It's time for Haley to learn about change as well.
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