Lost Time...

"Lost Time is Never Found Again"-Benjamin Franklin

Lately, I have been working so darn hard! I am so blessed and thankful and to be doing something I truly love. On top of that, I am making a great impression on my bosses with my work ethics so all is well. EXCEPT I don't have time to breathe sometimes; at least that's how I feel lately. I'm slowly but surely getting back into the swings of things as a working mommy and wife again.

Working from a home office is truly a blessing but when my job calls for field visits... whew! I'm in the field all day everyday! LOL

On a serious note, I recently lost a very dear friend named Linda. I attended her funeral today and my heart was so heavy with pain and sadness. Why? If I could only have had more time with Linda. Lately, I have become bad at picking up the phone calling anyone. My life is phoning and emailing all day everyday so when I hear a phone or a notification sound... you get the point. However, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Lost Time is Never Found Again". Linda knew how much I loved her, but I'm sure she would've loved to hear from me one last time. I sure would've loved to hear her voice last week!

Will you do as I will and make time?


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