I'm in a Toxic Relationship

An unhealthy relationship is never a good thing. I have been stuck in an unhealthy relationship for some time now. I act as though everything is fine when it really isn't. We go on these emotional roller coasters. I need it in my life yet it's not always good for me. It makes me feel not sure of myself at times. Sometimes I can disguise the pain it leaves behind but when I look in the mirror, there it is staring me right back in the face... a woman who needs to get out of this TOXIC RELATIONSHIP with...
I love food! I always want it around me, I enjoy trying new food and eating at new restaurants. However, there is no game plan with me and food. I see it, I indulge in it. Period.
This needs to change but I have no clue where to start. I've tried pills, diets, exercise, cutting back, etc. but I end up going back to the toxic part of our relationship.
I'm making changes in my life in several areas and I need to find a way to make my relationship with food, HEALTHY. Any ideas?

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  2. I started doing cardio in the mornings for 30 mins and walking or running in the evening for 1 hour and saw a major difference. i stopped drinking all of the sugar juices and went with grape juice apple juice and water with lemon.

    grapefruit juice helped me alot too. put together a schedule and commit to 10 minutes then work your way up. every week gets easier.

    I wish you well.

    1. Thank you so much! I will keep this in mind when I begin.

  3. Try designating 1-2 days a week to indulge in what you love and then eat healthy on the other days. Also, find some healthy versions of the stuff you love. Try shopping at places like Whole Foods and Trader Joes if they have those where you live. They have great stuff thats healthy and tastes good.

  4. OMGosh me too! I feel you girl. Weight Watchers really worked for me...for 3 years I keept weight off and just slipped because of stress. I agree with LV. I would stay within 1500 calories mon-fri and treat myself on weekends. I also did Taebo 3-4 times a week. I really need to start back.

  5. I feel you sis. Great advice thus far. I would also suggest cutting back on pre-packaged food (canned, boxed and some frozen)- the additives and preservatives are most often uncalled for and actually harmful to you health. If you drink soda and other sugary drinks, you'll be amazed at how much of a difference you 'll notice just in making that small change. I actually have plans to do a post of this really soon, so stay tuned :)


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