Well, I Never...

Recently, I was reflecting upon my life and how things have turned out for me. As an Early Education Teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, I, as well as many other teachers, am facing huge cuts and possible layoffs. Whether or not this happens is out of my hands. I have chosen to not this subject consume my every thought.
Over the years, I have made many choices and decisions based upon my responsibilities and priorities. My entire college career was dedicated to advancing my career in Early Education; I put all my eggs in one basket. I was focused and determined to climb to the top; this required a great deal of TIME and commitment. As I look back, I realize that there are some things I have never done just because I never "got around to doing them". I want to, for a change, not focus so much energy on my career and where it's going. If a major change happens, it does. God is in control. Period.
I plan to create a "bucket list" and start checking things off. Some of these things I have not experienced are simple things, but nonetheless, things I have not accomplished. Therefore, I am determined to focus my energy on positive things which will bring me delight.
This past weekend, I did something I have been wanting to do for a long time...
Stay tuned.


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